DC’s zoning has not been comprehensively updated since 1958. After 6 years of drafting and public input, the Office of Planning is about to finalize a new set of zoning regulations that could transform the city by allowing accessory dwelling units (ADU’s- carriage houses and microhomes behind an existing house, or basement apartments), as well as development of residential structures on alley lots. If done correctly, this would be a huge boon for affordable housing in DC, and allow smaller housing units across town.
BUT! While the current draft is ok, it could be even better. There are conservative forces that would love to do away with any new affordable accessory dwelling units in the city, and the current rules are rather restrictive. So DC Residents, we need your help, this week! Once these final comments are in, the Zoning Commission will vote on the final package. Please help by:
A: Signing the Petition from the Coalition for Smarter Growth.
They have been on the forefront of advocating for progressive change.
B: Submitting written testimony to advocate for specific changes we need. Here is an easy testimony template with specific language changes we need (note these are my (Brian’s) views on ADU’s and alley lots). Zoning Commission will only accept emailed comments in PDF format, which must include your signature. Email signed PDF to: zcsubmissions@dc.gov . Subject line of email must include the case number (08-06A) and the subtitle or subtitles that your testimony refers to (Subtitle D).
C: Testify at the Wards 1-8 public meetings around town this coming week. It’s easy, and the Coalition folks can support you.
Thanks- zoning is the DNA of a city, and it’s a rare moment when we can act to positively affect the character of our city for years to come! With thousands of us connected through Micro Showcase, we can really make a difference.